Wednesday, April 26, 2017

New Podcast - The Unrefined Jagoff

I know, I haven't posted anything new in over 3 years.

To be fair, I've barely written anything new in about 3 years.  I've been trying to start working on recording more, and more than zero times counts, but I haven't managed to make much new music or make any content to post to here.  At work, I've been listening to a lot of different podcasts to block out everyone's talking, so I figured that starting my own podcast would be a good way to get myself recording and writing things again.

Here's the beginning:
   Episode 1 is mostly an introduction to the podcast, some unfinished ideas, quotes from my dad, and ramblings/rants!

I bought a domain for the first time and everything!

Check it out and subscribe on iTunes -- Google Music -- Stitcher -- SoundCloud.

And follow Facebook -- Twitter -- Tumblr

I'm still kind of working on things, episode 1 is a little rough and short, but episode 2 is in the works!

Check it out, support, spread it to your friends!  Spread it to people who aren't your friends!  Spread it to someone, I dunno.

I haven't had as much free time to write lately, so most of these episodes are pieced together from ideas I have in the bathroom/while working/20 minutes before bed.... so I might only be averaging an episode a month or every few weeks unless someone gives me a ton of money to do this full time.  I'd like that, I'd much rather be doing this full time than wasting my degree for audio recording on the healthcare industry.  Please help me, I hate my life.

Anyway, that's it.  Listen to my podcast, throw money at me, tell your friends.

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